When you get to walk in God's freedom, there is nothing sweeter!!! This weekend I was able to tell my own story, not have someone tell it for me. All my life I have allowed others to tell my story----past failures, defeats, hurts, shame, and even the successes. I shielded myself with pride. However, no more. I was able to stand before a room full of women and share MY story. Trusting God was scary but I am so thankful I obeyed. Freedom came when I got to share out loud what I had faced, what I am facing, and what I struggle with daily. When you are transparent.....REAL.....RAW.....it allows people to see who GOD is in it all. The world is craving for authenticity, something genuine, something real.....when we allow pride to set in, all they see is what we want them to see. A false sense of perfection is set when they attend church. If they only knew church is just a gathering for forgiven sinners. Through it all try to find reasons to be thankful......grateful. I don't know what you are facing or where you have been BUT will you make the choice to be grateful? What are your 10,000 reasons????
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